Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Wonderful Ending

Wednesday morning started with everyone enjoying breakfast together. It was a great opportunity to sit down with friends and work acquaintances one last time.
The morning session started with an extremely interesting presentation by Joeseph Toole, Federal Highway Administration Associate Administrator for Safety. He focused his presentation on how to change America's safety culture.
The Closing Keynote Speaker was Syd Muzzy. Syd took the audience on an emotional roller coaster ride of some of his life experiences and demonstrated WHY we need to avoid any distractions while we are driving. Syd left everyone knowing that they are making a difference by being involved in OL with a customized video presentation.

Throughout the morning, attendees checked to see if they were a winner at the Silent Auction. Here's one winner!

Well, we started this journey with box after box being brought into the hotel, I guess this is a fitting picture for the end of this journey. The 2010 Symposium was a great success and the preparations for the 2012 Symposium are already underway. Thanks for joining us electronically and thank you for all you do for Operation Lifesaver. We'll see you in 2012!

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