Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Wonderful Ending

Wednesday morning started with everyone enjoying breakfast together. It was a great opportunity to sit down with friends and work acquaintances one last time.
The morning session started with an extremely interesting presentation by Joeseph Toole, Federal Highway Administration Associate Administrator for Safety. He focused his presentation on how to change America's safety culture.
The Closing Keynote Speaker was Syd Muzzy. Syd took the audience on an emotional roller coaster ride of some of his life experiences and demonstrated WHY we need to avoid any distractions while we are driving. Syd left everyone knowing that they are making a difference by being involved in OL with a customized video presentation.

Throughout the morning, attendees checked to see if they were a winner at the Silent Auction. Here's one winner!

Well, we started this journey with box after box being brought into the hotel, I guess this is a fitting picture for the end of this journey. The 2010 Symposium was a great success and the preparations for the 2012 Symposium are already underway. Thanks for joining us electronically and thank you for all you do for Operation Lifesaver. We'll see you in 2012!

Baseball Game Event

...and they're off in their orange baseball "Common Sense" T-Shirts! A short walk from the hotel and our group of 150 arrived at one the best ball parks in America...
Camden Yards!

Here's part of the OL baseball gang enjoying a beautiful summer evening at the ballgame.

"Who's that group with the orange shirts?"

"Choice" Tuesday

Bonjour, Buenos Dias, God Morgen and Good Morning - Tuesday started with the International programs. Dan Di Tota, Canada OL was the moderator for this very interesting session. Sue Nelson, United Kingdom, Birgit Vahemets, Estonia, Raquel Macias Arroyo, Mexico, Sergio Tempone, Argentina and Sanna Makitaol, Finland represented OL from around the world.

The afternoon was full of choices, as attendees had to choose two of the four afternoon breakout sessions.

Light/Commuter Rail Issues was one session choice.

Engineering Advancements was a popular choice.

Some people chose the interactive Social Media and Print PSA Contest session...and the Enforcement session was FULL to capacity each time. After a full day of sessions, many people were ready for a fun evening group event!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dinner with "The Fishes"

Monday night, the Symposium attendees had the opportunity to have dinner at the National Aquarium, Baltimore.
The dinner included a private self-guided tour of the Aquarium...so off they went.

This beautiful dolphin family was swimming in the space right next to our dining room, and this...

was our dining room. Almost 300 attendees filled the dining space to its full capacity.

These diners look like they approve...and no, we didn't have fish - we had chicken.

Opening Day

It was a packed house for the Opening Session on Monday afternoon.
Reilly McCarren, OLI Board Chairman, welcomed everyone to the 16th International Symposium and Training Seminars. Helen Sramek, OLI President, followed by giving an overview of the major accomplishments since the last Symposium in 2008. An upbeat video presentation highlighted some of the states' major accomplishments and projects.

The Headline Speaker, Deputy Secretary John Porcari commended Operation Lifesaver for the great work they’ve done, and he offered particular thanks for their participation in our campaign against distracted driving throughout the transportation industry.

Keynote Speaker, Deborah Hersman, Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, said in her speach: “30 years ago there were 9,500 crossing incidents. In 2009 there were fewer than 2,000. OL can rightly claim credit for saving many of those lives."

From the looks on the faces of these two attendees, the Opening Session was well received!

Trainers' Day 2010

OLI President, Helen Sramek, updates the OL Trainers on the new website scheduled to go live in the next month.
Sally Tingle, Education Representative on the National Advisory Council, reviews the new PowerPoint slides for OL Trainers to use during their Presenter Certificaiton Class.

Games anyone? Shel Senek, Executive Director of Ohio Operation, shows the State Coordinators two innovative ways to attract people to an OL booth. The "Wheel of Safety" on the left, and "OL Plinko" on the right. Want to test your safety knowledge and luck? Step right up.

Monday, August 30, 2010

It All Begins...

Well...this is dedication. The State Coordinators met from 7:00 am - 4:30 pm on a SUNDAY for their training seminar. They had a sneak peak at the new Operation Lifesaver website that will be going live in the next month or two from OLI President, Helen Sramek. They had a question and answer session with the OLI Board Chairman, Reilly McCarren; and above they are getting updates from OLI's Legal Council.
Since the State Coordinator's meeting was full of business and legal topics, all of them were provided a stress buster for the day. Here, Jill Moody, the Executive Director of Tennessee Operation Lifesaver, poses with her "stress busters" (and a furry dog that no one seems to know anything about...hmm?)
After a long day of meetings, Executive Directors Jessica Feder (Indiana OL) and Annette Lapkowski (Florida OL) enjoy relaxing at the Opening Reception with Ryan Gustin.

The Opening Reception on Sunday night was held in the rooftop lounge with this view of the harbor and downtown Baltimore. A huge Navy ship pulled right into the habor earlier in the day giving us one more interesting ship to view from the 15th floor. Good food + a great view + visiting with old friends + meeting new OL friends = an absolutely enjoyable Opening Reception.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Behind the Scenes

Friday was "moving" day, as in move all the boxes into the Symposium and Staff office. We stopped counting at 87 boxes. Luckily, we had Alvin Richardson, an OLI Board Member and Terry Ludban, the Chairman of the Symposium Committee to do the heavy lifting.

Next, it was time to get those all important registration packets and tickets ready for around 300 attendees. Marmie Edwards, VP of Communications for OLI and Carol Steckbeck, OLI Consultant and Symposium Manager, carefully made sure each attendee got their correct tickets for different events.

Well, it definately isn't all pretty - and this hard working group of volunteers did a great job of turning the Symposium Office into...well...a disaster. But - it was definately worth it. They stuffed 300 "goodie" bags for the attendees in record time. Behind-the-Scenes...the hard work that just doesn't get a great deal of recognition...thank you Symposium volunteers!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Home Sweet Home"

The Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor will be "home" for the 2010 Symposium attendees.

Once Sunday arrives, Operation Lifesaver folks will put this hotel at a "Sold Out" capacity...not bad! The hotel is directly across from Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

A short walk across the skyway from the 2nd floor lobby...

...leads you directly to the Inner Harbor with lots of restaurants, shops, entertainment and boat rides. We anticipate many attendees to arrive early or stay late in this great city full of history and attractions. As once the Symposium begins, the agenda is full of great Keynote Speakers and interactive sessions that people will not want to miss. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Join Us!

"Navigating Rail Safety...It's Common Sense", the 16th International Symposium and Training Seminars are just a few days away.

Can't make it this year? Watch this blog for pictures and stories of some of the "happenings" as we follow the attendees and those who make everything happen. So come along with us to Baltimore...we're glad you're one of our "electronic attendees".


(Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for the latest OL news and more detailed information about the Symposium.)